LinkedIn Messaging Sequences Management

Manage when and what to message your LinkedIn conacts.

In the absence of a CRM system, Pershe enables you to directly establish and manage your lead nurturing funnel in LinkedIn. This feature is designed to streamline your outreach process, allowing for efficient and effective engagement with potential leads right from within Pershe.

Add LinkedIn Messages Sequence using AI Wizzard

The 'Add LinkedIn Messages Sequence using AI Wizard' feature introduces an innovative approach to crafting personalized LinkedIn messaging sequences. Leveraging artificial intelligence, this wizard guides you through the process of creating highly targeted and engaging messages tailored to your LinkedIn audience. It simplifies the sequence creation, making it accessible and efficient to deploy AI-driven strategies that enhance your lead nurturing and conversion efforts on the LinkedIn platform.

Add LinkedIn Messages Sequence Manually

Within the 'Add Messages Sequence' section of Pershe, you have the power to craft and customize sequences of messages tailored to engage and nurture your leads in LinkedIn. This functionality provides a user-friendly interface for setting up targeted communication workflows, ensuring that your messages reach the right people at the right time, thereby maximizing the potential for lead conversion.

Edit LinkedIn Messages Sequences

The 'Edit Messages Sequences' section offers the flexibility to modify existing message sequences, allowing you to refine and optimize your communication strategies over time in LinkedIn. This feature ensures that your outreach remains relevant and effective, by providing the tools to update message content, timing, and sequence flow based on lead response or changes in your marketing approach.

Delete LinkedIn Messages Sequences

The 'Edit Messages Sequences' section offers the flexibility to modify existing message sequences in LinkedIn, allowing you to refine and optimize your communication strategies over time. This feature ensures that your outreach remains relevant and effective, by providing the tools to update message content, timing, and sequence flow based on lead response or changes in your marketing approach.

Limitations and restrictions

File types:
  • Images
  • Documents
  • Video,
  • Audio
File size: Up to 20 MB
Text: Up to 5,000 characters.