Generate B2B leads from LinkedIn

AI-powered lead generation tool
Generate B2B leads from LinkedIn
AI-powered lead generation tool

Revolutionize Your Networking

  • Targeted B2B Outreach

    Reach your target audience on LinkedIn by applying specific business filters, such as position and company, to ensure efficient and effective B2B engagement.
  • Fully Outsourced

    Set up once and let Pershe take over and continuously generates leads by engaging with your LinkedIn connections.
  • AI-powered

    AI-powered tools streamline the setup, content creation, and communication processes.

Fully Outsourced AI-Powered B2B Lead Generation Solution

Target Audience Networker

Expand your network of targeted contacts by specifying job titles, countries and practice areas. Pershe manages the invitation, welcome, and follow-up processes.

Network Nurturer

Congratulate your connections on birthdays, career milestones, and anniversaries; view profiles; like, comment on, and repost your connections' posts; endorse skills; and more. We take every opportunity to engage and build relationships with your LinkedIn connections.

Triggered Messager

Enhance your communication by entrusting us to schedule and send messages for specific occasions like birthdays, job milestones, anniversaries, and interactions such as likes, comments, and reposts. With our outsourced service, maintain seamless connections through timely, event-based messaging.


Efficiently plan and execute your LinkedIn content strategy using Pershe's AI-powered and Scheduled Posting feature. Enhance your brand awareness and grow your follower base.
Results by Industries
All features needed for successful lead generation are included in every subscription
10+ accounts
  • All Business features
  • Early access to new features
  • Personal Account Manager
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FAQ: Your Questions Answered

Industry insights
Practical guides and analyses on LinkedIn marketing, lead generation, and user success stories, organized into four main categories.
Guidance on effective lead generation and marketing strategies on LinkedIn, tips for optimizing profiles, content, and outreach to enhance visibility and engagement.
Features and benefits of Pershe, including user guides, success stories, and information on tools and integrations to maximize LinkedIn marketing efforts.
Craft impactful content and messaging, understand the LinkedIn algorithm for better engagement, and strategies for effective outreach and communication with your network.
Advanced insights into market trends, comparative analyses of LinkedIn strategies and tools, and best practices for optimizing your LinkedIn presence for superior results.
Boost your B2B lead generation.