Single Chat for Multiple Accounts

Communicate with all your contacts from multiple accounts in one interface.

Select Linkedin account

If you're managing more than one LinkedIn account with us, we've made it easy to switch between them. Our platform features a dropdown menu specifically designed for this purpose. This allows you to seamlessly transition among your accounts without the need to log out and log back in. Simply access the dropdown menu, select the account you wish to view, and the system will instantly switch to that account. This feature ensures a smoother and more efficient management of your multiple accounts, all from a single access point.

Search Contacts

Utilize the search field above your LinkedIn connections list to easily find contacts by first name, last name, occupation, company, position, and custom tags. This feature allows for quick and efficient navigation through your network, helping you locate the exact connection you're looking for.

List of Scheduled Messages

This list comprises messages that have been scheduled according to a sequence you've established in the 'Sequences' section of Pershe. These messages are set to be sent automatically based on the predefined trigger and sequence

Open Contact's Profile Sidebar

You can access your LinkedIn connection's profile sidebar by clicking the corresponding button. This sidebar displays detailed profile information, including contacts such as email addresses, phone numbers, instant messenger details, websites, and more, when available.

Write a new message

Explore the 'Write a New Message' section to craft and personalize your communications, seamlessly connecting with your audience or network through our intuitive messaging interface.
Write your message and attach files.

Linkedin has set the following limits and restrictions:
File types that can be attached are:
  • Documents - XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PDF
  • Images - GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP
  • Combined file sizes cannot exceed 20 MB.
Text: Up to 5,000 characters.
The message is sent through the Linkedin platform by our automated system, just as you would do yourself from your Linkedin account.